Why being a “mixed” type is hard….Learning about Metabolic Typing. How to clear up Acne.

My Journey on Metabolic Typing and understanding my Nutritional Requirements according to my Unique Metabolic Type!

Hey there!

Welcome to my Blog!

I’m glad you could make it. 😊😊😊 !

If you haven’t heard of me before, well, my name is Tom and I am the Founder and Creator of “The Acne Clear Chef”. I show people how they can help heal their skin using REAL whole food recipes.

If you haven’t heard of my story, I will probably make a separate post about this, but essential I figured out at around 20-21 years old that nothing helped my acne until I learned how FOOD was effecting the look, feel, and quality of NOT only my skin but my overall health and nutritional well-being!

Specific foods such as gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, and soy found to be very triggering for me so I avoided them at all cost which kind of left me stuck wondering WHAT THE HECK am I supposed to eat?!??!??!!!!!!!

After all these were a lot of common foods I was already eating and ON TOP of that I was a bodybuilder at the time and drinking protein powders and eating calories was all the fad……

However what I didn’t realize was a lot of the foods I was eating caused me Acne.

I figured this out through a.) trial and error b.) research and c.) finding out which food sensitivities I had working with my naturopath.

Now the best way to figure this out and in my opinion the most honest is by trial and error however UNDERSTANDING which foods are best for you can be determined by understanding your metabolic type.

If you DO NOT know your metabolic type I’d highly recommend you read my book (once it’s released) or you can simply buy and or read about it in Paul Chek’s Book “How To Eat Move and Be Healthy” Or William Wolcott’s Book “Metabolic Typing”, but I highly recommend you read MY book because I am going to dumb it down and make it very easy to understand BECAUSE it is a really complicated topic and subject and it’s not always very easy to understand!!!!!!!!

So I’m going to breaking down the very basics of the idea of metabolic typing in my own words and experience (I have been practicing this for a while now so I understand how my body reacts too specific foods) and it’s really important you do too so as well!

I’ll also talk more about “My Acne Clear Guidelines” or “Healthy Eating Blueprint” that can be a general starting point for ANYBODY who is trying to get healthier looking skin!

I PROMISE you if you hate ALL of my recipes (but I promise there will be probably 1 or two in there that you will ABSOLUTLY Love) you can at least have a general guideline you can work with MOVING forward in helping you clear up your skin because I have WITHOUT A QUESTION OF A DOUBT 100% certainty that FOOD effects how you LOOK and FEEL!

If you aren’t eating right for your metabolic type, consuming foods that are “trigger foods”, and not taking care of your metabolic health then I can guarantee you if you are ACNE prone you will be more likely to get triggered in the future and have future breakouts. It’s really important to have a good RELATIONSHIP with your body and knowing “Hey this food is good for me and Oh man as much as I LOVE this food, it really doesn’t do my gut any good (feeling irritated or having an upset stomach or feeling bloated are common side effects of food intolerances and food sensitivities)” So it’s REALLY important that you PAY attention to what you are eating or else you’re going to have a very difficult time of distinguishing what is best for you and what is not….

With that being said, learning about metabolic typing is definitly A FIRST step to understanding which foods are best for your UNQIUE metabolic type.

Everybody metabolizes foods differently and having a general guideline to work with (you can learn more about this in my book “The Acne Clear Cookbook” as well as incorporating different ACNE clear fighting recipes ;)) you can have a general sense of WHICH foods work best for you and then start creating recipes (or just simply follow the ones I created in the book that you resonate with) and you will already be on your way to clearer looking skin!

I promise you I can help you clear up your skin maybe just a LITTLE bit because at the end of the day if we start incorporating more REAL WHOLE FOODS into our diet we can begin to start feeling better and looking our best selves.

Thanks for reading and hope to see you,

Next week 🙂 !

All the Love too you,

Warmest Regards,

Thomas Grabowski ❤ !

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